Welcome to HMI Nutrition School

HMI is the world's only plant based health coaching and business certification school.

We also offer cutting edge wellness programs in candida healing, weight loss, cellular regeneration, science based detoxification and cleansing, dental health, brain optimization, anti-aging skincare, and much more.

Browse our Cleanses, Electives, FREE programs below
or Sign-In to continue working on your HMI Health Coaching Certification.

Holistic Health Coaching Certification Program

Welcome to the Nutrition and Business Training that helps you to become the Go-To Expert in Nutrition and Wellness. Earn a great living, empower people to transform their lives, and have the freedom to work on your own terms!

Health Coaching Certificate Program

Become a highly qualified plant based health coach in 8 months. Earn a great living and empower people to transform their lives!

Getting Started Guide: 8 Months to a New Career

This particular detox is designed to allow your liver and kidneys to have a break, while being supported by some of the most healing foods for those organs. It is a perfect plan to reset your body in preparation for a longer cleanse, juice fast or healing program. 

Free Courses

FREE 3 Day Detox, Debloat, Decompress

3 day mini-cleanse to help you reset your body and achieve your health goals!

Free 4 Day Liver & Kidney Detox

This particular detox is designed to allow your liver and kidneys to have a break, while being supported by some of the most healing foods for those organs. It is a perfect plan to reset your body in preparation for a longer cleanse, juice fast or healing program. 

Liana’s Cake Shakes

30 of your favorite cakes and pies turned into delicious and healthy raw vegan shakes that are: soy free, gluten free, and dairy free!

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Cleanse and Detox With Us

Juice Fast Guide & Parasite Cleanse

Juice fasting is the single most effective method to completely reset and rejuvenate your body, and set you up for healthy habits.

66 Day Health Mastery

Forget About Strict and Complicated Diets. Lose Fat and Gain Energy At the Same Time. Do you look and feel your best? Are you wondering why it's hard to drop weight, and feel energetic throughout the day without coffee or sugar? Tired of trying every latest...

Heal Candida Now

Candida Impairs Your Thyroid, Your Adrenals, And May Be The Reason You’ve Gained Weight. If you’ve been suffering from bloating, gas, food allergies, rashes, depression, moodiness, severe PMS, cravings for sugar, chocolate or bread, and believe that you may...

Advance your Health Coaching with

Science Based Electives

At HMI Nutrition School, we offer an extensive selection of science based electives. Not only do you get to learn about critical issues like: heavy metal detox, women’s hormones, men’s health, holistic dental health and so much more, but you get protocols that work.

Advanced Women's Hormone Health Elective

Healing and Optimizing estrogen, progesterone, fertility, sexual health, weight gain, acne, PCOS, cardiovascular health and emotional health.

Men's Health Elective

Healing and Optimizing testosterone, sexual health, prostate health. cardiovascular health and emotional health.

Advanced Children's Health Elective

Help children with allergies, skin conditions, earaches, moods, candida, picky eating, recovery from antibiotics and so much more.
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Autoimmune Healing

Finally heal lifelong autoimmune conditions with cutting edge protocols and nutrition intervention.

Holistic Skincare Secrets

Beneath all the hype there has been an authentic leap forward in our understanding of what causes skin to age, and it centers on inflammation. Your skin really can look better than ever - regardless of age.
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Cutting edge brain techniques for optimal living. Scientists have discovered that the rate at which you produce brain cells is the single most important factor in your quality of life. 

Holistic Dental Healing and Recovery

Help heal damaged teeth; avoid a diet that diminishes integrity of the teeth; remineralize decay; prevent cavities in children; holistically heal gum disease; avoid painful dental procedures.

7 Factors Holistic Cancer Program

Gain access to everything you need to know about cancer, including how it starts, what stops it, and how to prevent it.

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Intermittent Fasting

You've probably already heard of intermittent fasting. But do you know which method of intermittent fasting works best, and how to choose which method will burn the most fat?

Advance Your Health Coaching Business

Accelerate Your Health Coaching Business.

Earn a Living Coaching Groups

Accelerate Your Health Coaching Business Presenting to Corporations, Doing Health Demo's and Coaching Group

Go Mobile

New App Coming Soon!

Create and manage your courses directly from your dashboard and keep your curriculum consistent without feeling overwhelmed.
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Write your awesome label here.

Hear from our Graduates

"I am Roxanne Smith, a Board-certified Medical Doctor trained in allopathic medicine. 

Making the choice to study at Health Mastery Institute is what finally gave me what I was searching for: the science, the education, the practices and protocols to make the changes to my life that actually heal and support the body for optimal health."
Dr. Roxanne smith
"I ended up saving my own life with the help and guidance of the most amazing teacher, Liana Shanti and her 66 Day Health Mastery Program from HMI Nutrition School.

I healed myself from type 2 diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, lifelong migraines, PCOS (got my period back after irregular and non-existent for years), lifelong IBS, IBD (microscopic colitis), healed my psoriasis and a severely weakened immune system from a flu-shot injury, GERD, thinning hair/hair loss, lost 40 lbs that I kept off for several years.”
"I enrolled at HMI while I was four months into the Institute of Integrative Nutrition’s (IIN) Health Coach Training Program and three months into IIN’s Gut Health Program.

After a colonic wreaked havoc on my digestive system, I was looking for a solution that I couldn’t find with the education that I received at IIN.

My IIN classmates were blown away with the practical and valuable HMI information that I learned."
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